Now accepting applications!We are excited to announce that we are accepting applications for barista and apprentice opportunities. If you would like more information or an application, please send Colin an email at colin@raillinecoffee.com. You can also find more information on our ZipRecruiter job page!

Sheetrock hung, soon to be painted, and wow, check out those floors and the great brick decor!

Prep work for the installation of the light pole.

Sadly, the “guts” of our breaker box are delayed in shipping due to COVID. While it should have arrived already, we are hoping it will arrive no later than the end of the month.

We had a visitor today… Donna Weston, the former owner of the gas station! She has been delighted to see the progress and asked for some of the bricks as a memento keepsake. Of course we said “yes!”

These hand-made tables are going to be amazing! Thank you Diane!

Reviewing the plans for the installation of the sign for 1st Avenue South.

Our fence has been installed!

On Friday morning, the light was re-installed! It will soon be repainted and in working order!Good job Ben… the drive through change is a success! I wonder if Brad can make it through without hitting the curb?! Thank you for ALL of your support over the past 9 months to see this project come to fruition. We are excited to complete construction in the next few weeks as we begin the training for our new employees and apprentices the month of July. To date we have a remaining $40,000 to fully fund this project(both the renovation as well as the start-up costs for the job training and leadership development program). If you would like to partner with us to reach our goal, please send me an email – eric@cldibillings.org.