Social Impact

From Apprentice to Leader

This coffeehouse is about more than just coffee. We want to invest in South Billings by providing jobs and skills training for young adults. We created this Apprenticeship program to help individuals build the skills and experience needed to find long-term sustainable employment.

Start Apprenticeship

Apprentices start by learning to embrace their story and their past, but also their future. They learn pieces of their identity that they potentially have never realized or understood. Practically, they learn much more than making coffee…they begin the work that preps them for life and leadership ahead.

Develop new mindsets

We coach all of our employees to develop leadership mindsets that bring awareness to past behaviors and help change the approach in a way that is constructive instead of destructive. These mindsets engage each person holistically in their decision-making and responses to challenging situations.

Set goals

Throughout the Apprenticeship, apprentices set tangible goals related to work and life. In the past, these goals have looked like graduating high school to developing skills that they can leverage in the outside workforce. We support and encourage each apprentice as they strive to meet their goals.

Get training

When apprentices require further training, whether that is within or outside of the coffee shop, we help them pursue and engage in that training. Our hope is that their time at Rail//Line leads to healthy relationships, transformed mindsets, and greater opportunities.

Gain experience

As they begin to think about their next steps and their graduation from the apprenticeship program, they learn to leverage their newly developed skills and resources, giving them the opportunity to reach for goals and dreams they didn’t think were possible.

Get employed!

At the moment they are ready to launch, we help them find next-level employment that continues to build on the interests and skills they’ve cultivated while at Rail//Line.

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